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Mental Health
Anissa Banoie

Motivation is at the root of our overall quality of life. It’s what drives us to succeed, to make connections, and to create a better life for ourselves.


Exercise has been proven to not only have benefits on the specific health issues, but has proven to help social connections, therefore having positive impacts on the emotional and mental well-being of individuals.

Social interaction is one of the best ways that we can stay motivated to exercise. Meeting new people and connecting with one another through your journey can make a positive impact on your mental health and willingness to continue.
According to a study on the impacts on quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease, when “compared to healthy individuals, subjects with PD [reported] lower [quality of life.]” After joining a group exercise program and answering a questionnaire, the subjects showed significant improvements in emotional reactions, social interactions, and overall quality of life. (Rodrigues de Paula, et. al 2006)

For more information on how to find/maintain motivation:
"Find your motivating 'why'"

Find ways to stay active within your community! 


Move More Together

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition that millions of individuals, specifically children, deal with every single day. 

Due to the sometimes severity of the condition, some individuals find themselves also struggling socially, leading to poor self-esteem, poor confidence, and overall poor mental health. This can have a huge impact on an individual’s ability and willingness to stay motivated.

According to the experts:


A study of the effects of exercise on ADHD symptoms found that aerobic exercise can lead to positive improvements in the social skills and functioning of patients with ADHD, and may even serve as a non-medicated treatment to its symptoms (Klil-Drori & Hechtman, 2020).


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